“So that with one accord you may with one voice glorify and praise and honor the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

(Romans 15: 6 AMP)

Our Team

Servant Gaby Reyes

I was born and raised in Simi Valley, California. I was raised in the church. For years, I struggled thinking God didn’t love me, let alone would ever use me. Despite being constantly rejected in life, God showed me the opposite of how others were treating me. He reassured me that He loved me and He could be trusted. In spite of all the struggles I faced, God showed me unconditional love and showed me what an intimate relationship with Him looks like. I was able to come as I was; not ever fearing He would judge me, but rather encourage me and strengthen me. He is my best friend and Father and I would not be here if it wasn’t for Him. My passion and mission is to now show everyone that same love He showed me, because it healed me and freed me and I know it will do the same for others!

Servant Katie Reyes

I was born and raised in Southern California. I was not raised in the church, however I found God in my early adult years. For years, I struggled because I was born different; with my left arm missing below my elbow. This caused me to constantly feel like an outcast and rejection seemed to be the focus of my life. It wasn't until I met God, that I realized my “little arm” was actually my biggest blessing. God showed me that He loved me unconditionally, and that He did not make a mistake. My passion is to show love to those who feel like outcasts because they are different and remind them that God is not finished yet with their stories.

Servant Hope Ruz

I was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. I moved to Orlando, Florida in my early adult years and that is when I gave my life to the Lord and developed my relationship with Jesus. While in Orlando, I served in many different areas in the churches I attended, along with some outreach ministry. I have always had deep level of respect for the word of God since I came to the Lord. Along my journey through my job, what I didn’t realize was that God was about to do something powerful in my life. I moved to Denver, Colorado because I had a job assignment there. What I didn’t know was that my entire life was about to change. It was in Colorado that I met Gaby and her wife and our Co Pastor Katie. Shortly after meeting them, the Lord began to show me my purpose. I was to move to Tennessee with them to help them start this ministry! I have always loved sharing the word of God and His true character and nature but I knew this would be in a deeper, wider way!

Servant Kenneth Jackson

I was born in Texas, but raised in Dalton, Georgia. I remember growing up as a part of a smaller church in the area and was baptized as a young child. My life has led me on a winding path through times of great faith and times of struggle; however, I know that God’s hand of protection was on me the whole time. I know He is faithful. He is always pursuing his children, and nothing can separate us from the love of God. My Passion is helping others see that true Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship with our Heavenly Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I am also passionate about music and love how it can teach, comfort and heal, (Colossians 3:16). I met Gaby, Katie and Hope here in Tennessee. As we began building friendships, I was called to become a part of Safe Haven Church, first through music and now teaching. I am excited to be a part of a ministry fully dependent on God’s leading and guidance as we reach out to the outcasts and the broken hearted. Always remember that God asks us to come as we are, not necessarily as we should be. None of us are as we should be, but a relationship with God brings us closer everyday.